Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Summary of Emerging Technology (by Chia TF)

Question: How does 'common' thinking help or hinder us in our work? Moulding the Future? All come out with similar thinking? :@

Review: Working by Specific Theme / Event, Event embedded by smaller tasks

Getting Ready for Life Sciences

  • Life Sciences and Singapore
  • Moulding and Shaping Ourselves
  • My Own Experience with life Science: how to get into it
  • How Schools can Participate and Enjoy

Life Science is the way to go for S'pore

Moulding and Shaping Ourselves
Striving for excellence

  • Initially...learn to imitate and mimic
  • Be selective in finding role model(s)...dream: with experience
  • Read wisely. Try reading more original papers and articles: Not so much on review of articles because it is the interpretation of another person - influence
  • Nurturing and grooming confidence
  • Should not focus on getting respect from your peers: draw as much as you can from the group
  • Instead focus on older clever people. However, not too old...can't look up to senility
  • No point behaving like the mass, you will never succeed in a normal way: but not behave as a lunatic :)
  • Reject authority...positively. Being against everything is a sure way to get nowhere: must be able to see the good, cream off, add your own...do not take wholesale.
  • Try to hang out with really bright people: we are all bright in different aspect, sense and see the strengths to use them and learn

Sharing 3 case studies on Life Sc journey by Prof Chia TF

  • The story of the glowing orchids:

Firefly luciferase as a nonevasive marker for orchid transformation.

Orchid is the most clever plant - produce 1000 seeds and use fungus to feed them, can mimic a female bee and attract male bees to pollinate. Really ah? 9 years of experimentation - first few years force feeding and the orchid did not bloom. Sixth year -re-experimented and left nature take its course and the first full bloom orchid.

  • Gene therapy against cancer using gene gun:

What are the major causes of death?

  • Heart Diseases (35%);
  • Cancer (35%),
  • Others (30%)

Cancer Eradication of Tumour Growth via Biolistic Tranformation with allogenic MHC genes.

  • Genetic engineering of resverartrol for cancer

Prevention of Cancer and Cardio-Vascular Diseases

What is resveratrol?

  • It is a potent compound against cancer and heart diseases
  • found naturally in grapes, peanuts and 70 other plants
  • A phytoalexin, it has a strong anti-oxidant activities and is a phytoestrogen
  • Anti-ageing properties

How schools can participate in Life Sciences

  • getting the involvement of ALL
  • structure it within curriculum: not as enrichment and not overload
  • making it fun, enjoyable and rewarding
  • go for discovery and product creation: the product cement all the theory

How do we get to know Life Sciences?

  • from books, mags, internet, trs, friends
  • you also learn fr experience (hands on), interesting projects, satisfaction, real life, and multidisciplinary projects
  • ability driven education: know your ability and level of drive

Some ADE projects for schools

  • Orchid Hybridisation Programme (OHP)
  • Rainbow Corn Course (RCC)
  • Lets Breed FISH
  • Health Info Tracking System(HITS)
  • Fr biology into aerodynamic toys
  • Our DNA tree

Succeeding in Science. Some rules of thumbs

"to succeed in science, it's not enough to be smart - lots of people are very bright and get nowhere in life"

How Jim Watson thinks...

Learn from the winners

  • avoid dumb people
  • turn to people brighter than yourself
  • play not to win but to win at something really difficult
  • go somewhere beyond your ability and come out on the top

Take risks

  • to make a big success, be prepared to get into deep trouble
  • good brain but no vision gets you nowhere
  • ignore the assessment of those in power, your scientific hero,...if not careful, you will develop deep anxieties

Have a Fallback

  • be sure that there is someone that will save you when you are in deep shit
  • if you cannot a whole someone, divide it up

Have fun and stay connected

  • never do anything that bores you
  • you need to have people you can go to for intellectual help
  • expose your ideas to informed criticism


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