Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Tech Planning

Tech Planning

  • Understanding of Tech Planning
  • Relevance of Tech Planning
Understanding of Tech Planning

  • Do you have a dept plan for IT?
  • Is your dept plan a Tech Plan? (any diff?)
  • What constitute a Tech Plan
Tech Planning

  • Internal (BY(i)TES)
  • External (Tech Scan)

  • Align to sch's vision
  • priortise due to constraints
  • maximise affordancs of IT to achieve ednal goals

  • 5'C's (connectivity, curriculum, capacity, communication, cash)
  • 3'S' (Sustainability, Scalability, Scaffolding)
  • Lead Team

Maximise affordancs of IT to achieve ednal goals
What does it mean?
? Productivity
- achieve traditional Lg outcomes in a faster and better way

? Effectiveness
- Teacher teach better; students learn better

Broaden Learning goals
- Achieve extending Lg outcomes

Literacy, Adapting & Transforming
Lietracy Use - Do-able

  • Learning software, hardware
  • Learning Keyboarding

Adaptive Use - Optional

  • "use it for something, anything...just use it"
  • Drill & Practice with content software
  • Learning assessment unchaged
  • Teachers view technology as interesting but optional and unnecessary toa chieve present curriculum goals

Transforming - essential

  • reculturing Learning Tasks
  • simulations, focus on "what if"
  • community Learning tools for collective learning
  • electronics Portfolios
  • pdtivity tools to conduct inquiries, construct meaning & produce info

  • technology enables new Learning tasks not possible without techy
  • student roles expand to be explorers, producers of knowledge, communications and self-directed learners
Essence of Tech Planning:
Maximise Affordance of IT

5 'C's for IT Implementation

  • connectivity to hardware, software, downloading time, borrowing equipment, minds of people - to plan & support (20-30% of staff),
  • Capacity - training of leaders, teachers, understanding the rationale of the IT Plan
  • Communication - stakeholders from students, parents to teachers, school leaders (rationale, purpose, cost, how does the IT plan is impactful & work for them)

  • 3 'S's for IT Implementation
    Sustainability? Vendor programs can sustain as long as there is cash. Qn: If it is so important in the students' learning, why then is the teacher not able to teach it? What is the existence of the teacher for?
    Scalability - scaling the program for implementation (start small & succeed?)
    Scaffolding - what support to give at different levels?

    Relevance of Tech Planning
    Why is Tech Planning important?
    Why is IT Integration important?
    - survival of nation (employability)

    Some Reasons:
    ROI - Returns of Investment
  • Tech Advancement
  • Globalisation
  • Worklife Skills

  • engage pupils's interest / empower the pupil
  • make learning relevant

Thursday, March 03, 2005

an example of KM Tool

Use of MS word to link to docs in folder.
- sch leadership
- flowcharts
- forms
- staff affairs
- electronic record book
- workplans
- etc

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Basics of Action Research


True or False
1. Action research is the usual thing that teachers do when they think about their teaching.

2. Action reasearch is about problem solving.

3. Action Research is about research on ther people's problems.

it is abt trs studying their practice

reflect - where do I start (Identify 1 area of focus)

Plan - What do I do next? (come up with plan of action e.g. time frame, resources needed, strategies devised)

Act - implement your plan

Observe -



  • taking an action to improve classroom practice (wk on real issues and own sol)
  • involves identifying a qn and collecting and analysing relevant data
  • using the cycle consciously and deliberately
Critical Friending
Definitions and Role-Playing

What is a critical friending ?
Person who helps us:

  • with ednal actions/decisions
  • to articulate precisely our rationale for those decisions
  • to see impt info fr a diff perspective

  • listen well
  • encourage specificity
  • offer value judgements ONLY when asked
What do CF do?

  • analysing
  • raising issues
  • identifying prob
  • being 'devil's advocate'
  • challenging


  • supporting
  • recognising
  • enthusing
  • helping to maintain
  • commitment
  • appreciating
Why CF in Action Research?
Practitioners = 'expert'
Complex situations > different perspectives
"The growth of any craft depends on shared practice and honest dialogue among the people who do it. We grow by private trial and error (...) but our willingness to try, and fail, as individuals is severely ltd when we are not supported by a community that encourages such risk.

What is Action Learning?
A process that involves a small group working on real & complex problem, taking action and learning while doing so.

Components of ALP

  • a problem
  • group of 4-8 pple
  • processes of reflective qng and listeng

Qns during Session

Group Processes

  • How are we doing as a team?
  • What are we doing well? What was the impact of that?
  • What could we do better? What hindered us?
  • How did we help? What questions were most useful?


  • is there clarity and agreement on the prob
  • what actions are you going to take as a result of this session?
  • what is the quality of our ideas?

Concluding Questions

  • What have we learned abt teamwork, problem-solving, our students, etc?
  • What have you learned abt yourself?
  • how can we apply these learning to other parts of the org?
  • what helped us learn?

Data Collection

Why collect data?

  • to ans the qn leading to the focus qn
  • to use infl for informed decision on current practice

Many methods

Criteria for selction techq

  • how applicable are the data
  • how soon will the techq yield info
  • can you afford the time to gather, record


  • designed for researching a few of the same components across many cases
  • enables prediction and produce a general picture of the whole population


  • designed for researching many different components to produce a comprehensive picture of a few cases
  • produce a comprehensive picture & enable detailed comparisons

(Tripp, 1991)

QN and caution in implementing ALAR: how does it contribute to the school improvment? Translating it into gains? Quantifying the time and resources spent on ALAR. Affordance of the system - seeing from policy maker and participants