Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Tech Planning

Tech Planning

  • Understanding of Tech Planning
  • Relevance of Tech Planning
Understanding of Tech Planning

  • Do you have a dept plan for IT?
  • Is your dept plan a Tech Plan? (any diff?)
  • What constitute a Tech Plan
Tech Planning

  • Internal (BY(i)TES)
  • External (Tech Scan)

  • Align to sch's vision
  • priortise due to constraints
  • maximise affordancs of IT to achieve ednal goals

  • 5'C's (connectivity, curriculum, capacity, communication, cash)
  • 3'S' (Sustainability, Scalability, Scaffolding)
  • Lead Team

Maximise affordancs of IT to achieve ednal goals
What does it mean?
? Productivity
- achieve traditional Lg outcomes in a faster and better way

? Effectiveness
- Teacher teach better; students learn better

Broaden Learning goals
- Achieve extending Lg outcomes

Literacy, Adapting & Transforming
Lietracy Use - Do-able

  • Learning software, hardware
  • Learning Keyboarding

Adaptive Use - Optional

  • "use it for something, anything...just use it"
  • Drill & Practice with content software
  • Learning assessment unchaged
  • Teachers view technology as interesting but optional and unnecessary toa chieve present curriculum goals

Transforming - essential

  • reculturing Learning Tasks
  • simulations, focus on "what if"
  • community Learning tools for collective learning
  • electronics Portfolios
  • pdtivity tools to conduct inquiries, construct meaning & produce info

  • technology enables new Learning tasks not possible without techy
  • student roles expand to be explorers, producers of knowledge, communications and self-directed learners
Essence of Tech Planning:
Maximise Affordance of IT

5 'C's for IT Implementation

  • connectivity to hardware, software, downloading time, borrowing equipment, minds of people - to plan & support (20-30% of staff),
  • Capacity - training of leaders, teachers, understanding the rationale of the IT Plan
  • Communication - stakeholders from students, parents to teachers, school leaders (rationale, purpose, cost, how does the IT plan is impactful & work for them)

  • 3 'S's for IT Implementation
    Sustainability? Vendor programs can sustain as long as there is cash. Qn: If it is so important in the students' learning, why then is the teacher not able to teach it? What is the existence of the teacher for?
    Scalability - scaling the program for implementation (start small & succeed?)
    Scaffolding - what support to give at different levels?

    Relevance of Tech Planning
    Why is Tech Planning important?
    Why is IT Integration important?
    - survival of nation (employability)

    Some Reasons:
    ROI - Returns of Investment
  • Tech Advancement
  • Globalisation
  • Worklife Skills

  • engage pupils's interest / empower the pupil
  • make learning relevant


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